Make your visit to Wellness centre Asselt complete and spoil yourself with a lovely relaxing massage of beauty treatment.
Massages have a relaxing effect on both body and mind. During a massage you can let go of all stress and you will experience a complete feeling of peace and welfare. Whether you enjoy a lovely relaxing feeling with certain aromas or you enjoy the deep effects of hot lave stones; each massage has its own effect.
Massages do not only give you inner peace but also physical welfare. Massages can take away injuries, stiffness, joint aches, respiratory problems, high blood pressure and other tensions. After a massage or beauty treatment in Wellness centre Asselt you will feel like born again!
Click here to see our complete summary of massages and beauty treatments. If you have questions regarding a type of treatment and the effect this may have, please do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to answering your questions.
Please note wellness treatments such as massages need to be reserved in advance. You can contact the hotel directly for more information.